Ram Prasad Shrestha Nepal is a beautiful country sandwiched between two giant countries:Tibet-China to the North and India to the South. It is shaped like a rectangle where three parts of the border are shared by India, whereas the Northern Border is shared by Tibet-China. It is a landlocked nation with enormous cultural and geographical…
John Edmiston In the 21st century the first touch is nearly always a digital touch. Long before most people ever meet an evangelical Christian they have heard about evangelicals in the media, seen their gospel Facebook posts, got their earnest emails, downloaded their crossover music and stumbled across their Christian websites. We evangelicals are sometimes…
Yon Soo Kim Since the beginning the gospel of Christianity has been aiming for globalization. The phrase “Making disciples of all nations”[1] (µαθητευσατεπανταταεθνη) in Jesus’ Great Commission shows that the commission is not only for all nations, tribes and language groups in the world, and the promise and commandment of the Pentecost, but includes also…
Diane Marshall In what ways do poverty, hunger, HIV, gender discrimination, racism, human trafficking, poor governance, environmental degradation, and inequitable access to health services, education, land and resources create barriers to the gospel? How should we respond theologically and missiologically? In what ways might we, in our ignorance and through our actions or lack of…
Daniel J. Kim In this article, I would like to propose a missiological strategy regarding the means of creative arts as cultural bridge to global mission. The focus of this thesis will be to establish the basic biblical theological framework for understanding the nature of art and its implications for mission. The outline of the…
EDITORIAL: Communicating the Gospel in the Globalized World
Timothy K. Park, Editor The rapid development of technology is one of the factors that has turned the world we live into a global village. Today, any kind of information may be obtained through the internet, and communicating through smartphone and internet is easy anytime, anywhere. Unlike today, in the first century, the gospel was…
12th AMA Convention
“12th AMA Convention” The Asia Missions Association held its 12th triennial convention at the Greenhills Community Fellowship in Manila, Philippines on April 18-22, 2016. We welcomed about 200 mission leaders from 26 countries, including 63 speakers. The theme we deeply investigated was on “Globalization and Mission”. As a result, we were able to accumulate a…
12th AMA Convention Report
Steve K. Eom This report contains a brief overview of the recent 12th AMA convention, as well as descriptions of future AMA ministries. 12thAMA Convention The Asia Missions Association held its 12th triennial convention at the Greenhills Christian Fellowship in Manila, Philippines on April 18-22, 2016. We welcomed almost 200 mission leaders from 26 countries, including…
Sending Missionary Families to Chiang Mai
East-West Center for MR&D has commissioned two missionary families to Thailand on June 25, 2016. They are Dr. & Mrs. Yongkuk Sung and Dr. & Mrs. Heecheol Kim. Both have earned Doctor of Ministry in Global Ministries degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary School of Intercultural Studies. They will arrive in Chiang-Mai, Thailand on August 2016….
EDITORIAL: Global Mission Strategies
Timothy K. Park, Editor From April 18-22, 2016, the AMA Manila 2016 was held at the Greenhills Christian Fellowship in Manila, Philippines. The theme of AMA Manila 2016 was ‘Globalization and Mission.’ Almost 200 mission leaders from 26 countries gathered and engaged in dialogues about mission in the 21st century globalized world. This 52nd issue…